Monday, April 6, 2009

Senior Sneak Peek

UPDATED...Post Edit

I had my first little practice photo shoot yesterday for a senior, Emily, who was kind enough to let me use her as a guinea pig.  We went out to East Shore, my favorite picture spot, in case you can't tell from recent posts.  I had so much fun and I'm loving some of the results.  I hope Emily, her mom, and sister Sam are able to enjoy a few.  


  1. wow! you are doing so awesome! can we hire you the next two weeks?! :)

  2. Great job. Bet it was nice to work with someone older!!!

  3. Wow! Those are awesome and she is just beautiful!

  4. Great job Melissa!! Are you going to try and do this for a job?? I love all the b/w ones!

  5. Great Job...these look great! :)

  6. Oh, I love them! Hmmm. When are you going to East Shore next? Maybe we'll just "happen" to be there, with the kids in coordinating outfits... ;)

  7. good for you! i'm impressed! see you saturday.

  8. Awesome...they are beautiful! Let me know if you want to practice more...I have two cuties that you could practice on! :)
