So if you read my New Year's post, you know that one of my resolutions was to get back in shape and take back the clothes in my closet. I don't care if they're five years out of style. I just want to be able to put them on again.
I've gotten up a few mornings to go for a jog, but it's cold and dark, and I'm by myself. My warm bed is just such a better place to be.
Today my friend, Karen, and I decided to take the kids for a morning run at a normal time of day. After the sun had come up. We drove about five minutes so that we can run by the ocean AND because it's flat. Running with a double jogger with 50 pounds of kid in it UPHILL is just not fun or possible for longer than 20 seconds.
I was too busy huffing to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Karen was trying to carry on a conversation with me and I was so pathetic not being able to be polite and ask her questions back because I was TRYING. TO. BREATHE. Running with the jogger and kids on flat ground is not easy either.
But we made it. We went a couple of miles before I about passed out and asked her if we could walk.
And then she suggested we walk here.
Do you know what VG stands for?
Very Good Donuts.
I like it, simple and to the point.
What I don't like is that I just had to watch while the kids tasted a little bit of heaven.
Alright, I had one eensty weentsy bite.
But that's it.
Now that's willpower.
yay! way to go! so proud of you!