Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Exploring new territory...and monkey pancakes!

Well I have been a slacker lately in the picture and blog department.  We are still settling into the new house...pictures to come....and chasing after an ever-increasingly active toddler...I'm exhausted!

Addison is having fun "exploring" her new home.  Anytime someone new comes over, she starts jabbering away in her own language and walking from room to room like she's taking them on a grand tour.  She loves her new play spaces.

The previous owners were very handy and created this little kids' hideaway under the stairs complete with wood floors and tinkerbell walls.  It's her favorite.  She loves walking right in the door that's perfect for her size and turning on and off the light.

She has also discovered her stroller and loves pushing it all around the house.  The baby only stays in it for about 5 seconds before it's thrown across the room and replaced by her sippy cup...priorities.  We may have some work to do before our little guy arrives in December.

Why is Addison so happy?

I made a new "creation" today.  Monkey Pancakes!  I was craving pancakes for dinner tonight and decided to play around with some extra ingredients from the pantry.  

I added some mashed banana and chocolate chips to some regular buttermilk pancake mix and viola....Monkey Pancakes!  

Friday, July 24, 2009


We met our sunday school class at Minute Maid Park tonight and decided to bring Addison along for her first Astros game.  Let's just say you can't enjoy your nachos supreme and chili dog as easily as you used to without said 15 month old...let alone, watch the game.  But she enjoyed the game....the clapping...and of course, the food.

Please excuse the poor pics....also hard to get good pics when juggling chili dog, diaper bag, camera, and 15 month old.  =)

Starting to squirm as soon as we sit down.

Dad trying to shove a hot dog at her to appease her...worked for about 2 minutes.  Ice cream worked better.
Loved it when the crowd went crazy
Lots of clapping....go Stros!

Juice at the "juice box"
Bad dad...but just about any distraction will do
Time to leave??   We made it 6 innings! Pretty impressive Addison.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Two weeks without a blog...I think that's a record for me.
We finally got internet hooked up at our new house, and I am beginning to feel a small bit of normalcy.  

I've been terrible about taking pictures lately, but I have a few randoms I'll post in the meantime. I can't wait to share pictures of our new place but we have had contractors in and out every day for the last 2 weeks and we probably have about 2-3 weeks to go, but at least we are in and sleeping here...even if we are drowning in boxes and mess.  It's worth it and we love it!

Here come the random pics...

Addison has a love for anything that "big" people have.  Forget her toddler apple bites, dried fruit pieces, she wants the real deal.

Until Harley takes it away...
She also loves walking around with this backpack on
Wherever she goes...
And her favorite new thing AND OURS is giving kisses....too cute
When we moved into the new house last week, the only place I could set up her pack and play was in the guest bathroom to be away from the workers.  I thought she was being so quiet and good taking a nice little nap only to go in and find that she is a big fan of toilet paper.