I love using my phone as my point and shoot because I always have it with me....which is a good thing because if not, we'd have no record of what we've been up to.
Taking it back to Mother's Day.
Andy went to Cabo. (ironic, huh?)
I took the kids to Disney.
And when mom's in charge, we get ice cream (a lot of it)
On Mother's Day, Addison wrote me a really sweet card and brought it to me and I was sulking a bit about the whole Cabo thing.
"Dear Mom, I hope you have fun today"
Love her
Cuddles from my cuddle bug.
and then dad came home and we went to dinner.
One of my top 5 favorite pictures of them of all time.
I was cleaning the kitchen or watching Housewives (I can't remember) and I looked outside and Addison was "marrying" Spiderman.
Turns out this may be a sneak peek of their Halloween outfits as well.
Brave girl (before her 5 shots for 5).
Getting ready for crazy hair day.
Back at Disney again in June....we hazed Graham and made him ride Space Mountain. This was the before. The after was him telling us he's never doing that again.
Quick impromptu trip to Palm Springs mid week with friends....one of my kids' favorite places.
Beautiful sunsets from my MOPS mentor mom's porch.
Really, can it get more beautiful?
Just barely. (Iphone camera, no filter). Amazing.
We took the training wheels off Graham's bike, and put them back on two weeks later.
Gymnastics has carried on throughout the summer.
We've logged some time here.
And lots of time here. We bit the bullet and joined La Costa (an amazing resort 5 minutes from our house). Every time we come here, it's like a little staycation.
Lots of S'mores this summer.
Sprinting for the pool
Back to Carsland.
Our last Disney trip until September
Lots of bike riding (with training wheels back on for Graham) Everyone is happier this way. =)
Side note....how beautiful is this tree?
Different camp schedules have given us a little one on one with each kid.
There are now three Star Wars fans in our house.
(There will never be four), but I love to hear Graham say he wants to be Luke Skywalker and Addison Princess Lea)
Pee Wee Camp with friends
Becoming independent in the pool
Back to the beach
Beach meltdowns
Lots and lots of love between these two this summer. I LOVE it.
Spot the Diva.
This was actually when we went to see Despicable Me, but they were super excited about Planes coming soon.
These three are some game playing fools (Sleeping Queens is the house favorite right now)
Nana came!!
Learning to "surf"
Boys will be boys
Some lazy mornings.....
Tennis camp
Can you tell I'm a little obsessed with their bond right now?
Also it must be said that Addison has been UH mazing this summer. She is sweet, sensitive, has become more sociable, and all in all just so much fun to be around.
Thank you God. Seriously. Thank you God.
One on one time at Starbucks/Target shopping for school supplies *Gulp.
and tonight my three little loves are outside camping in the backyard, one of our favorite summer traditions.