Graham turned 4 December 2nd, and with it being a crazy time of year we Graham decided instead of having a party, let's just go to Disneyland for a couple of days.
Before I go on our Disney time, let me just say that this boy completely has my heart.
He is so caring, sweet, helpful, and hilarious. He gives so many unsolicited "I love yous", hugs, and still doesn't mind grabbing my hand, but at the same time has become more assertive, rambunctious, and has that constant twinkle in his eye that is sometimes indiscernible for mischief or charm.
He and his sister are still the best of friends and look out for each other.....when they are not completely annoyed with one another.
Interests: Legos (completes 7-12 age group sets like no big deal), Paw Patrol show, Star Wars, playing games, bike riding, Planes, soccer and loves being read to.
Favorite color: green
Height: 42 inches (I know this because he can now ride the "big" rides at Disney) =).....not because we've even made his 4 year old check up.
School: in Pre-K with Ms. Debbie and loves it, loves to write his name on everything, big into coloring right now too.
Dislikes: girlie stuff, namely the color pink
We picked one of the coldest weekends of the year for Disney. We begged, borrowed, and raided Target for some warm accessories. This picture was taken when it was about 60 degrees.
We. Are. Wusses.
To be fair, it did drop down to 37, so the gear was warrented.
Addison and I embraced our Mickey ears, when in Rome....
Nana and Poppy's present to Graham was a car from Ride Makerz in Downtown Disney. It's like Build a Bear for Boys.
He was enthralled.
You can add on accessories and make it remote control, etc......because his dad was with us and possibly confused that it was his birthday and not Graham's, I'm pretty sure someone made some decent commission on us.
Both boys are happy with their birthday present. My baseboards are not.
My SoCal cuties.....still probably 60 degrees here.
Tuckered out waiting in line at Star Tours.
Graham can ride all the "fun" rides now, so some of his favorites include Star Tours, and Splash Mountain. Still not a big fan of Tower of Terror or Space Mountain. Could be that we made him take a rookie run at those at the age of 3 1/2. Parenting fail.
Addison however still loves Space Mountain....she's my roller coaster girl.
Waiting in line is so much better at 4 than at 1......
Since it was technically his birthday "party", we let him do some fun things that we usually say "NO" to while dragging him through the gift make his own light saber.
The storm trooper was not happy with this choice.
But they made for fun hotel activities at 11pm.
Last Disney activity on our last day was the Pixar Parade and my kids were freezing. We had so much fun though and it was an awesome way to spend a birthday. Addison is already talking about foregoing her party.....