To say things have been hectic lately would be a huge understatement.
I mean, I haven't even blogged in two weeks....or read my People magazine that came in the mail last Friday. That's how you know things have been really busy.
We got back from San Diego a couple of days ago and had a productive househunting trip....meaning, we got a house!
We wouldn't have been able to do it without the help of Sam and Sheila, who Addison stayed with and our trusty babysitter, who will still remain nameless for the time being.
Graham was excited to have the full attention of three adults.

and spent much quality time with said babysitter.

This is taken from La Jolla cove, about a 10 minute drive from Andy's office.
Much like the view close by his downtown office now.

So onto the exciting stuff!!
We spent last Thursday driving different areas of about 30 homes on our list to get a feel. It was amazing how a house could look perfect online, and then you would drive the area and see cars on cinderblocks, overgrown yards, etc. ....and this is for a house that was already almost three times what our house costs in Houston....absolutely mind blowing.
On Friday and Saturday, we had narrowed down the list to about 15. We went and walked through the houses and although many of them were nice, there were lots that needed a LOT of work, or were on a busy road, or had no backyard, etc.....we were getting a little depressed.
Until....we saw this one. It's located in La Costa/Carlsbad, just north of San Diego and about 25 minutes from Andy's office.

We knew as soon as we stepped in the door, that this was our house. Well, I knew and proceeded to cheer, and comment, "Oh, we're so done." Andy and our realtor were trying to keep me in check, but it was hard to do.
Househunters would have had to do a lot of editing because there would have been only one obvious house. Our choices would have been.
House #1: Short sale, takes forever to close, 80,000 in work needed.
House #2: on busy road, no yard, and no light.
House #3: dream house, backyard of paradise, designer showcase, great area & schools...
Um, yeah, they're so going to pick house #3.
We put an offer in on Sunday and went back and forth a little bit before finally coming to an agreement before our flight left on Monday!
Here is our new home.....warning...picture overload....but lots of you have been asking.

fountains are always hear the sound of running water.

love the cafe lighting in the backyard

fresh flowers are everywhere

this covered area is off of the kitchen and room that will be used as a playroom.

built in seating is know for all of the friends that we have out there that will be hanging out with us......
or just Andy, I and the kids and the many HOUSTON friends that have to come visit!!!!

that's a rock waterfall leading to the Koi pond. yeah, we have pet fish that we have no idea how to take care of. The only work that we will have to do is have a consultant come out to safety proof the pond and spa for kiddos. Must have. Don't worry mom, we got it covered.

We are wanting to get a fire pit for this area.

looking up the hill from the backyard.

space heater might be needed seeing as how it was in the 50's at night in August.
Come on in!
Here is my view while washing dishes...

Looking from family room into area that will be used as a dining room (middle), and then the far room will be a playroom off the kitchen.

looking down the stairs from upstairs. I love the way it's finished

fireplace in family room and another is in the playroom. Again, love the finishing. This girl knew what she was doing. That's why I took a picture overload to get ideas.

measuring from what will be the dining room, looking into family room.

breakfast bar off the kitchen.
I love, love, love the cabinets.

This is our attic. Not a lot of storage.....will be a SLIGHT adjustment....but an excuse to get rid of a lot of junk.

Oh, did I mention that there is NO AIR CONDITIONING?
Because apparently, you don't need it. Everyone just opens their windows. Can't even wrap my head around that coming from Houston.
Love her ideas....we are keeping the shelves....Andy was excited to not have to hang some himself.

View from master bedroom.

Master bath.

Will be Graham's room, but being used as a study right now. There is also a guest room downstairs for all of our visitors, because you're going to come visit, right???

Will be Addison's room.

Kid bath....yeah, it's a little too nice. Don't know how my frog and flower decor is going to go in here.

looking down the hall from master, kids rooms are on either side of that bookshelf.

looking from the "playroom" into kitchen

love this idea she had of a cork board made of wine corks.

coming out the front door and looking down the street.

once we put the offer in, we drove up to Laguna for the day because it's one of my favorite places ever...
so beautiful.

Crazy we're going to be living not far from here.