We are probably traveling more this summer than we ever have and ever will. It's a little crazy but a lot of fun. The first trip we did was with friends to Watercolor, Florida (outside of Destin) a couple of weeks ago. We went with two other families, and had so much fun.
We definitely want to go back, and Seaside/Watercolor was such a perfect area to stay.
Road tripping.....google maps said nine hours.
The kiddos had lots of time together and really did pretty well. Graham especially really enjoyed playing with the other kids a lot, always wondering where Paige was. =)
Several nights we would go to the little charming town of Seaside to walk around and eat at the food trucks, etc.
Sharing is caring in Addison's book.
The water was incredibly clear.....we could be up to our necks in it and you could still see your toes! The kids loved boogie boarding and almost every day we spent several hours here.
One night we decided to go down to the beach and get some pictures.
Everyone got the memo but Graham. He made a beeline for the water.
So we made due with a water soaked kid.
On our last full day we decided to take a dolphin cruise.
We didn't really know what to expect but everyone was up for an adventure. We departed from Panama Beach with an agenda of swimming with some dolphins and enjoying a boat ride.
The kids did AMAZING. I'm sure the boat captain was a little iffy when he spotted our group, but he said they did the best of any group he had ever had.
Claire even got to use the radio, cute little skipper.
Not far into our trip, some dolphins were spotted.
The captain would yell out, "deport!!!!" and you had to be ready!
Guys went first. You're just jumping off into open water to go chase some dolphins.
We all did it and I think ignorance was bliss because the next day I read how a great white shark was actually caught off the same port we departed from a few months before. So I hope my kids had fun because they will never do this again.
All of us had such a great time though and the kids said it was by far their favorite part of the trip.
We ended in a shallow area hunting for sea creatures and the kids all got to hold star fish, sand dollars, and whatever these are.
Everyone got to take home a sand dollar, which is now white and in our living room.....perfect souvenir.