Thursday (Day 3) took no pictures
Maybe because our baby looked like this all day.

The lack of sleep was catching up to her. She woke up at 1:30 am after going to be at 10pm (3am her time) and wouldn't calm down until Andy took her to sit by the ocean and watch the waves...which would have been really cute to see, but I was asleep in bed.
What a good dad!
Friday (day 4) Last day!
My mom and dad watched Addison so Andy and I could take a helicopter tour of the Island..which was incredible. We flew over an active volcano and saw red lava pouring into the ocean. Then we finished the tour by flying through these valleys with 2000 ft. waterfalls that looked like they were out of Jurassic Park.
Some of the pretty hibiscus that were all over the island with lava in the background

Ready to go!

Approaching the lava in the ocean...see the steam?

Over the of the coolest things I've ever seen
Maybe it's the former science teacher in me.

East coast flying from Hilo

See how clear the water is??

Hard to get good pictures and do these waterfalls justice with the reflections in the background

Came back to find Addison sitting with Nana and Poppy