October has been a blur. I knew it would be, and oh, it was. We are finally settled in Carlsbad. Andy and I are not ones to leave things undone or wait until we just get around to it, so the last two weeks have been a mad frenzy trying to make the most of our time with childcare, i.e. Grandparents, and get everything done.
I cleaned out my camera today, and I was finally able to unload pics from our last few weeks in Houston, which were amazing.
Let me start with Oct. 2.
That was my birthday and the day that our movers came to load up our house.
Sheila had called me a few days earlier to let me know that she would be "kidnapping" me for a girls pedicure and Sam would make a pancake breakfast for the kiddos while Andy supervised the movers. I was so excited for some good girl time and showed up as ordered to her house with kids in pajamas at 9am.
As soon as we opened the door, I realized that we were not going to get pedicures, but it was a gagillion times better.
My sweet, sweet friends had thrown a surprise birthday party for GRAHAM. You see, I was already a little bummed that we wouldn't have our friends around to celebrate Graham's first birthday in December, so Sheila had gone all out, along with Georgia, Mary, Kim, Kat, & Becky to celebrate early because as Sheila said, "Everyone deserves a first birthday party!" Oh, how I love these girls. Graham didn't know what was going on, but he was thrilled just the same.

But back to Addison and Beckett. These kiddos are best buds and I want to cry every time that Addison asks to go see him now that he's a plane ride away instead of a 2 minute car ride.

Kim and the early birthday boy

This kid is always smiling.

Playing with Miss Lexi

Opening presents! Yes, there were even presents.

I love this little guy so much
Ok, and then it was time for my birthday fun. It was a great excuse to get some of our closest friends together to celebrate the big 3-2 and say, sniff, sniff....goodbye.
Starting off at the Goose....
Jacqueline, me, Sheila, Becky, and Georgia

Fun at Grimaldi's!!!

Kat, Sheila, Georgia, Ashley, Becky, and Jacqueline

Lots and lots of fun.....and wine.

Andy and Matt


Birthday night was so much fun. I didn't include the pictures of the three hours that followed of venturing back and forth between Crush and Baker Street, stealing feather boas from bachelorette's and paying the shot girl to NOT come back to the table, because, well....that would just be embarrassing. But trust, me....good times.
Back to wholesome goodness
Addison's teachers Miss Lisa (Wisa) and Miss Delyn
Addison loved the short time she was able to go to school and keeps asking to go back. She and I are both so sad that she had to leave. I will most likely be waiting until next fall to start her out here so we can get to know the area, etc.

And now to our first week in CA.
Nana flew out with us last Friday and there is NO WAY I could have done it without her. I'm not just talking about the plane ride.....everything.
Graham loved having time with his Nana

Addison loves playing outside. It's such a change from Houston, where I gave any excuse not to go outside because I am a wimp when it comes to heat, humidity, and mosquitoes.
Here.....go outside anytime you want kiddo.
Feeding her new pet fish.

Graham taking it all in.

I am sure that sometime in the next week, I will be finally testing out that hammock.

Graham has really become all boy. He loves cars and any ball he can get his hands on. He is already picking them up and throwing them overhead. Quite the little jock.

Happy girl

Today was our first real day. I say real because we had to take Nana to the airport this morning. I just kept asking her not to go. I have never lived a plane ride away from my parents. It's a weird feeling. I know I'm in my thirties, but it's still hard.
Driving back home from the airport, I decided to try a farmer's market near our house. I am in love. It's open every day of the year and owned by a Texan. Not only does it have beautiful produce, but homemade tortillas and salsa, made fresh daily. The day was looking up.

I'm going to try to do a little "tour" of our new home in the next couple of days. We are really enjoying it and would want to stay here forever if we could just pick up all of our friends and family that we left behind and move them here with us.

Tomorrow we actually have a playdate. It's with a girl that I met on the airplane out here! Isn't that crazy? She was so friendly and had a sweet little baby girl, so I just put myself out there and asked her to come over. It's the weirdest feeling knowing NO ONE.
So Texas friends, come visit soon!!!

I MISS YOU!!! Call or text soon! :) I am so proud of you for having a playdate! Let me know how it goes. Keep the pictures coming! Love you!
Welcome to Cali! I can't wait to get together!
Oh how we miss you guys!!! It just isn't the same. I took Beckett into "your" room tonight and he pointed to the car bed and said "Addison's bed." And everytime I ask if he wants to play in his playroom he keeps reminding me that I took Graham's bed out. He had milk tonight from "Graham's cup" and played with "Addison's toy" (a Polly Pocket I think) in the bath tonight. I promise we will be on a plane in no time!!!!
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