Oh we were so excited for Andy to come back in town on Friday! He had been gone for almost a week and a half between a trip with his dad and brother and a work one as well.
We decided to celebrate everything finally being done with the house by getting OUT of the house and doing a lot of fun stuff around town. House & move stuff has been going on since the end of April, so this was the first weekend in almost FOUR months that we could just enjoy!
We drove into town Friday afternoon and took Addison to the Childrens' Museum. She spent most of her time at the "tot spot" and loved just exploring. If we lived closer, I know we'd be there every week. It was great.

Spent most of her time in a car of some kind

Then...although I don't have any pictures....
We went to Collinas to pick up some of our favorite pizza and went to visit our good friends Sawyer & Lauren and got to hang out with Brayden and their newest little beauty, Laney. Shoot, I'm so mad I don't have pics!
Saturday morning we got to go eat breakfast at Empire Cafe....oh it's all about the food whenever we actually go into town. Food and shopping....
Because after breakfast we went to Rice Village and poked around some cute baby stores. I sucked it up and bought two maternity shirts (I was trying my darndest not to actually buy maternity stuff this time around), and we found our double stroller at the Right Start that just opened up again. Why did this place have to disappear up here? I miss it so much!
So here is the double that we decided on.... It's a Baby Jogger City Mini and I love how light and narrow it is for a tandem. You can also put the little one in it as soon as they can hold their head up at 2 months, so you don't have to cart the car seat around. Love that!
Saturday afternoon, it was off to the pool. Andy had never been to Creekside, so we introduced him. He disappeared for about 10 minutes to the water slide, so I think he liked it as much as the other 10 year old kids around him.

Little fish



the water!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!