Let me preface this story by telling you that Addison has had an explosion of words lately. She repeats absolutely everything that you say (dangerous)...and she constantly points and names everything she sees like she's trying to prove to you how much she knows.
Today we went to Target. One of my favorite places by the way. We are standing in line to check out. The line is about 5 people deep and I have Graham bjorned to me...not too happy. So I'm waiting to get through the line while addison is just naming everything around her.
Then she starts yelling ...."Fork" but without the R and the "o" sounds more like a U. So I don't have to spell it out for you, she is yelling at the top her lungs the worst explicative. And I am thinking...."for the love....I don't even see a fork!!!"........"And then I spot what she's pointing at....
The eating area where on display is a huge plate with a fork and spoon. But she is still yelling.....LOUDLY....and everyone is looking at me, Lord only knows what they are thinking. "F&*#!" "F&*!"......
Yes honey, fork and SPOON.
"Yeah, F&*#" and spoooon" she says.

That is too funny! For the longest time when Ellie was little, every time we would pass chick fil a, ellie would say, "Chicka-fuca-lei!" We tried for weeks to get it sounding normal with no avail. I think Kendrick got a kick out of it though. :) These kids. The things out of their mouths can be so funny. For the onlooker that is. :P)
Haha! That's fantastic...and reminds me of Ryan right now. He loves clocks? Not sure why but everytime he sees one he points and says "clock" but he says it without the "l"...yeah...
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