Thursday, October 25, 2012

Grandma & Papa

Oh, my poor little blog.
It's taken a backseat to life lately....but it's supposed to be about our life...
so let's get going on catching up.
Life has been crazy busy lately.  We've had three amazing groups of visitors over the last month, a short getaway for Andy and I, an encounter with Ellen, and I'm trying to keep my head above water with photo sessions lately.

But I'm finally getting around to putting up some photos from our first group of visitors (way back in September) when Grandma and Papa came to stay and we got to play...a lot.

So I wanted to try and get some pictures of the kids with their grandparents.  I took them to one of my new favorite spots.  How cool is this place?

But the kids had other things on their mind....
like not cooperating for crap.

so we just made do.

There was a visit to the zoo somewhere in there.

and a quick trip to Touch a Truck

at least one of them was up for some sibling love.

Quite the badass.

We took Grandma & Papa to the "peacock park".

and let the kids run off some crazy energy.


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