This year, my big camera has been staying home a lot and I've been grabbing my phone to capture little things throughout the day. I've been taking a picture of each kid every day (my own little 365) and tagging it so at the end of the year, we'll be able to look back and literally see an entire year at a glance....still brainstorming on what to do with it, but I'm excited. So far I'm 137 for 137. Let's see if I can actually keep it up.
If you are at all interested, my instagram name is mbparsons, so you can follow me there.
Since I haven't pulled the big camera out as much (maybe that will be next year's project), I need to play catch up with some every day stuff on the blog. Here are some from the last month.
Graham's pre school class pic. They wanted $25 for the digital file.
This is my free version. =)
Not quite sure why Clifford was in the pics, but he's cute nonetheless.
Other month happenings....
Birthday toes
Graham wanted to try my coffee.
Turns out he likes it.
These pics remind me we need to go here more.
One of my favorite Instagram pics ever......these two are sometimes TOO attached.
Addison can finally put Legos together all by herself. I love the Friends line they have now for girls.
Man, I would have been over the moon for those when I was little. Now we just need an organization system that works over here. Ideas?
Freebirds came to Temecula (only about 45 minutes from us, and conveniently on the way to the wineries).
Addison discovered queso. The girl was hooked.
It's the little things people. Chick Fil A and Freebirds are a good start, but when can we get a Lupe Tortilla or a Chuys? And while we're on that, go ahead and put in a HEB as well.
Family winery day.
A lot of this going on lately....
Lots of green and color around here.
Still trying to work on sight words
Park time
Addison's Valentine (V week was in April this year)
A guy that works with Andy had a crawfish boil.
He had crawfish flown in from Louisiana, and it was AMAZING.
So was his backyard.
and we finally have two "swimmers".
We've been trying to take advantage of any opportunity we get to swim out here
(ocean doesn't count).
There really aren't that many to be honest.
I'm getting a little jealous of all the swim team pics from Texas I'm seeing on Facebook.
I really hope that someday my kids get to enjoy that....such fun memories!
Between all the good food and the swimming, this guy was WORN OUT.
And that was April in a nutshell. =)