**Warning** Serious picture overload to follow
I'll get to our fantastic night of crawfish eating, but first up, bring on the eggs, Round 1.
Addison's best buddy, Beckett, who she repeatedly asks for several times a day, came over on Tuesday (I know I'm behind), to dye some eggs.
Addison was probably more excited about the Elmo stickers.
The Cascade and BKF didn't do it......but not to say we didn't try.
So pictures will start to be a little random here because for some reason, it's not letting me cut and paste.
**Here is a little "baby book brag"...
Addison now knows her colors! She loves coloring with her chalk and naming them all as she does. Her favorites right now are pink and purple.
Ok, I told you they were in random order, but here is a pic of the little guy. Hanging onto all of his lovies.
Back to the coloring....forget the fact that she's in her pajamas.
Should I be worried? She loves doing this....a little organizer....like her daddy.
The following two are really random....

Here is a sneak peek at Addison's birthday present...
I think Andy and I are more excited about it than her right now. And it's not exactly a surprise because the box has been sitting in our living room since it got delivered last week because it weighs 70 pounds and my husband is ....well refer to previous post.
Update....surgery will be Tuesday and then he will be on crutches for 12 weeks. Pray for me yall...and him of course. =)
Yesterday a bird was in our house for a good hour and I couldn't figure out how to get it out. I told you these were random.

Natalie and Ashton showing Graham some love. Ashton is going to be such a good big brother!

Ashton showing Addison his ride.
Andy was so proud of Addison's skills

Would you believe this is a shoe? Casey was proud to show it off.

Ahh...bring on the mudbugs. Nice work Mark & Casey.
Getting ready for egg dying round 2.
Sporting the shirt with pride, I mean she's a legacy, right?

Jacqueline showing Addison how it's done.

They each had their own special egg

I think the adults were more interested in the egg dying than the kiddos were.
Nice work!
This would be how my child dyes eggs.
Just before we dumped both her and Ashton into the bathtub.
Ok, that's it for now. So excited for egg hunting tomorrow!

Awesome pictures! I love that you let Addison dip the eggs herself. Loved the whisk idea too. Ellie and Gavin dip on their own but I have Hadley tell me which color she wants. She would have spilled it everywhere otherwise- I'm just sure of it.
HOpe Andy's surgery goes well Tuesday and hope you guys are having a GREAT Easter!!
You are very brave to dye Easter eggs with a not yet 2 year old. I don't even do it with my not yet 3 year old. :) Praying for you and so sorry about Andy!
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