Remember last year when we went through hell and high water just to move 7 houses down the street?
Remember when we spent two months with contractors just to get our "new" house EXACTLY like we wanted?
Remember how I said, "I'm never moving again."
Well, I lied.
We're moving.
And not just down the street. We are leaving the neighborhood that I love, the community that I adore, the city that I've lived my entire life minus a 4 1/2 year stint in College Station, and family and friends that I don't know how I'll function without.
After 2 months of prayer and "hurry up and wait", and careful thought, Andy has accepted a job transfer to San Diego.
Oh, there could be worse places to go....but there also could be a lot less expensive places to go as well! =)
He will still be working for Shell but at their office in La Jolla, CA, just north of San Diego. Back in the day, before kids, I would tag along whenever he had a business trip to attend to business of my driving up the coast to one of my favorite places on earth...

and then stopping at Trader Joe's for some two-buck-Chuck and enjoying the view of Laguna Beach....
Yeah, there could be worse places to go....
Yeah, there could be worse places to go....
So the next few months are going to be crazy. We have such mixed feelings about this. We're excited about what this means for our family and the adventures we'll have actually getting to go outside in the months of May-September.
I don't want to talk about what we're leaving behind.
It's four years. In four years, Addison will be entering first grade....and we will hopefully be back in this place that I love so much. And maybe I'll even be skinny.....or vegan....or liberal.....
Um, maybe not.