How on earth did my baby boy get to 6 months so fast?? Here is what you've been up to Graham..
* You love your exersaucer, jumparoo, and pretty much any toy you can get your hands on.
* You are still such a cuddler and I LOVE snuggling with you.
* You smile, squeal, and laugh all the time but when you are unhappy, you let everyone know that as well!
* You are nursing about 5 times a day.
* You are sleeping through the night...thank you Jesus! You got to bed at 7 and wake up around 8 in the morning, or in the case of this morning....9:30!
* Taking an hour and a half nap in the morning and a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.
* Fitting into 6-12 month clothes
* Wearing size 3 diapers
Here are your stats munchkin!
Length: 28 inches (90%)
Weight: 16 pounds 12 ounces (25%)
Head: 17.5 inches (50%)
Long and lean like your if only momma could get some of that!
Love you pumpkin!
1 comment:
Loved catching up with all your blog posts - and can't believe that Graham is 6 months already! Miss you so much, friend!!!
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