This weekend we drove up north a little ways to see our friends, Brian & Suzanne along with Des. Addison was way excited to see "Dez eh mond".
We were way excited to see all three of them and get some much needed adult time after the kids went to bed. But first, we tried our best to wear them out good.

Graham was so excited to have his two favorite things....his blanket and Elmo.
He didn't want either one of those out of his sight. Elmo is now one of his handful of words that he says clearly. What is it with that red guy and toddlers?

Going on a was cold! Well, cold for SoCal.
Addison's doing the oh so natural "Cheese" smile.

already a little tuckered out

Addison kept saying, "I'm on a date."

The next day we went up the coast a little bit to the "bu".
I think I've watched a little bit too much on Million $ listing on Bravo.
Pacific Cove in Malibu.

We maybe should have taken our paradise to go because eating out with 3 kids under 3 is just not really even close to paradise.

Even if you are in paradise.

We had a lot of this.
I think I was trying to tell Andy,
"What the heck are you taking pictures for? Help me!!"

I took little man on a walk to get some air.

He is now finally trying to walk everywhere.
I love that little "drunkin' sailor" walk.

Then the food came. Graham got down to business.
The boy can eat.
He literally grabbed my fork out of my hand and shoved it into his own mouth.

I love this picture!
Does it make you a little sick that Suz is due with little Charolotte in 4 weeks?
She looks amazing!

Forced affection.
But they really do love each other.

Addison and Des decided it was so much more fun to just throw themselves into the sand.

They would have probably stayed there all day.

And I could have too except that naptime was close, and we all know how precious that is.
For me....and the kids.

Meant to post this last week....
We are trying to do some "fun" things.
Why is it that fun things are always the messiest?

But Addison loved it.

Graham was allowed to paint for about 2 seconds.
That was more than enough to give me another 20 minutes of work.