Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why is no one else as anxious as I am?!!

So I went to the Dr. today for my weekly check-up. Of course I had my list of questions....

1. Q: I feel like this kid is going to fall out any please confirm I have "dropped".
Doctor: Yes

2. Q: Can Andy stay with me in the operating room the whole time for the section?
Doctor: Yes

Doctor: Pretty much whenever you want

Ok, so good, right? Well apparently this just doesn't work with everyone else's schedule!!! I guess since we had told everyone April 14, key players have planned around that date. I understand...I'm a planner myself, but I'm ready already!!

I think Andy is a little freaked out at the thought that she could come any earlier. "What's the rush?" My mom has meetings she's planned around....and "would discourage any volunteered earlier delivery" My dad has a business trip planned the week before so that doesn't work either.

The list goes on....and believe me, I want everyone who is possibly available to help to be there, so I will stick with what works with others' schedules! So it looks like I will continue to balloon, not sleep, and do anything to stay busy to pass the time over the next two weeks. And....unless Addison decides to come on her own any earlier....April 14th it is.


Alicia S. said...

I am so sorry!!! Feel free to call me anytime of day and I'm there for you... to organize, shop, eat, or anything else you need. :0)

Jennifer said...

Poor you! Just keep telling yourself how big and healthy Addison is getting!

Ashley McWhorter said...

Come on down the street anytime you like. Would LOVE to keep you company and help pass the time. :) Hang in there! :)

Becky Fenn said...

Hang in there, Melissa!!! Can't wait to see cutie little Addison. It will be here soon:):)

Lacey said...

When is your original due date, the 14th or later? I can't remember? And why are you having to have a c-section?? Is she breech? Hang in there...she'll be here before you know it!!

Callie said...

girl, you are getting so close...just remember that they are MUCH easier to take care of insode the womb than outside of it. My advice...enjoy a few last date nights with Andy!! We can't wait to meet Addison!!

Mary said...

hang in there!!! enjoy these last couple weeks. you & andy will be in our thoughts and prayers as your prepare for addison's arrival!

Lindsay Wagner said...

Hey girl! So fun to see your blog. I know how frusterating it is....I went in to have a C-section because Hayden was breech, and she turned IN THE HOSPITAL right before the I got to go home! Then I had to wait another 2 weeks and ended up having a C-section anyways!!! Just enjoy your time with just you and Andy....go out to dinner all the time, go to the movies and sleep. It's all about to change, and Addison will be the best thing that ever happened to you and Andy! So fun to keep up with you through your blog
Lindsay (Waterfield) Wagner