Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thrilled about Preschool

Who is thrilled about pre-school?

I am!! Addison may not share my enthusiasm....yet.

This was our best effort for a quick picture before the first day. Can you sense her excitement?
We decided to go ahead and have her start school even though we'll have to pull her out when we move mid-October. I think it's going to be good for all of us.

She met her teacher, who came to the house to meet her, last week. She was very nice, and I think Addison liked her a lot more than this picture alludes to.
Today was supposed to be her first real day, but the poor girl woke up with a fever and asked to go back to bed. Poor pumpkin. So hopefully, we'll get some better pics when she returns next Wednesday.



Callie said...

carson starts this week, oh my word, I cannot wait!!!!!

Ashley McWhorter said...

YAY, for school!!! We love, love, love it in our house!!! :)