Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions & looking back

I wasn't going to do a resolutions post this year, but while working on our blog book for 2010 (little behind), I came across my resolutions from last year.
And holy cow, for the first time ever....
I completed all three!

Looking back....
2011 Resolutions

1. To lose 20 pounds  I can say that as of December, this goal was completed.  My success was mainly due to Weight Watchers, but I think part of the reason it's worked is because I've still allowed myself all things in moderation.  Putting clothes on that you haven't worn in years helps keep you going as well!  As does being able to take advantage of a sale at Anthropologie in a size that sounds familiar....kind of like an old friend.  I'm not counting points every day anymore, but I am loving finding new recipes on skinnytaste.com, heading to the gym when I can, and looking to lose about 5 more pounds over the next month or so.  It feels SOOO good to NOT have losing weight as one of my New Year's Resolutions for the first time in as long as I can remember.

2. To potty train Addison I dreaded it.  It's done (except for pull ups at night). I want a few months reprieve before heading down this road with Graham.

3. To live in the moment (enjoy our time in California)
I am so blessed to say that this goal was reached ... and then some.
I can't believe that we are 1 1/2 years into our 4 year commitment here.
There are days when we hope that 4 years gets extended and days where my heart gets happy thinking about eventually returning to Texas.  But no matter what happens, or WHEN it happens, I can honestly say that we are LOVING our time in San Diego.

Looking forward

Resolutions for 2012

1. Be on time.  
I am always running late.  I feel like it takes 15 minutes to get anywhere, and so plan accordingly....not accounting for traffic, speed limits, or stoplights.  I actually spent some time on Google to other day researching tips on time management.  So today, I told myself that we had to leave by 8:30 to get Addison to pre-school on time. (It starts at 9).  We left at 8:40, which was much improved from the 8:58 departure many mornings.  We arrived at 8:54.  I said, "Addison!  We're early!"  She responded, "What's early?"  In her 3 1/2 years, she may have never heard that word.  This resolution has been long overdue.

2. Read more
This used to be a big time love for me....until kids, blogging, Pinterest, and reality TV took over.
I have a bookshelf with over 20 books I have been meaning to read (and are supposed to be great), but haven't done it yet.  I want to be realistic, so I'm aiming at reading 1 book a month.  And gossip magazines don't count.

3. More Quality Time with Andy
Date nights are hard to come by.  Kids take up a lot of your time & energy.  But next to my relationship with God, which absolutely needs more time, this one is the most important.  


The Montgomerys said...

we share a new year's resolution! i never make these, but this year decided to read more:)

Katie said...

Would love to know what books are on your "to read" shelf!

Keri DesAutels said...

What's early?!? That cracked me up!!
What is on your to read list?!?
I hope to loose the 20 pounds this year! And to NOT have loosing weight on my list next year.
We saw Andy this week at the game. So fun! Wish you and suzanne could have made it. Maybe next year?!? Hopefully we get another bowl game!

Emily Joy said...

Oh my word...I had that exact same conversation with Samantha about "what's early?" the ONE TIME we were early to school last year. Love it! And congrats on being 3 for 3 in 2011 - that's awesome!