January has been a nice recovery from the craziness of November/December.
Our weekends are about to pick up again, but the last few have been blissfully open.
Last weekend we had absolutely nothing. I can't remember the last time that's happened.
So of course we filled it with something by taking a trip up to LA to visit Suzanne, Brian, Desmond, and Charlie.
Suz & Brian are good friends of ours from back home in Texas. They've lived out in California for 7 years and it's nice to be able to get together whenever we're able, although we all know how crazy life gets...there just aren't a lot of opportunities. Even more surprising that we had an open weekend, turns out they did as well.
We stopped at Starbucks (a necessity for a road trip) and were excited to see this little gem as we pulled out. You have to stop and take a picture of the weinermobile....I mean, there is only one, or at least that's what wikipedia said.
Ever since the paci fairy showed up (two years behind schedule), this guy has not been taking too many naps. He caught up on the way up the 5.
We arrived! I was so excited to see Brian & Suzanne's kiddos.....I had never even met Charlie!
My kids loved playing with hers and wore each other out.
We walked to a fun park down the street before heading back to get read for bed.
or not. These kiddos stayed up for a while, but then what fun are sleepovers when you don't?
Graham loved chilling in Desmond's "datman" chair.
Sunday after a totally lazy morning (I love those), we headed to The Grove. I had never been before, but loved it. Not only do they have such great shopping areas, but there are tons of restaurants and a HUGE farmer's market.
The nerd in me kept trying to catch a glimpse of an "Us Weekly worthy" person, but most of them were probably busy getting ready for the SAG awards. =)
More exciting than a celebrity sighting was Dylan's candy shop.
Strolling through the Farmer's market...
and killing some time waiting for a table for lunch...
We ate at a place called "short order" and it was so good.
This pic makes me laugh because I was a little "short" on getting it.
Can anyone else identify with me you gagging when you hear yourself say....
"You need to eat all of your grilled cheese and fries if you want your candy".
Andy and I played tourists as we drove through Beverly Hills and Rodeo drive area....nerds.
Then back home to reality we went...