Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers' Day Part Deaux

As I sit down to blog, my child is sleeping for the first time 7:38pm. Usually a champion sleeper, she has been wide eyed all day....and none too happy. Sure we had a lot going on...sure I made her wear a tutu for half the day and then put a wetsuit, sunhat, and sunglasses on her and put her in the pool purely for my selfish enjoyment. I guess I had it coming.
The pacifier is our best friend. I know that one day I will regret this but for right now, it's the number one trick in my box.
Scowling....again. I promise..she does smile once in a while. Come on over to our house anytime between 7 and 8am and you're sure to catch a few.
And so the dress up begins...and out comes the bottom lip.
This lasted about 2.5 seconds.
I can't help but laugh at this pic. Poor baby.

Dad on pacifier duty while taking in the US Open.
Driving home from my parents, she was screaming bloody murder....not having anything to do with the pacifer, I desperately gave her my finger and she wouldn't let me move it for the rest of the drive home. It was cracking me up.

1 comment:

Callie said...

Looks like you guys had a great day!! No worries...she will like the pool soon least she looked adorable in her outfit :). I miss you!