Monday, January 3, 2011

Sibling Adoration & 13 Months

I came upstairs this afternoon to find this.....
well, what I really found first scared the bageesis out of me because I really found them both UP ON the bed. I don't know what scared me more....
the fact that my 13 month old toddler had scaled four foot furniture
or the fact that my very much still potty training 2 year old was on my bed.

Equally frightening.

So, I quickly got them back on the floor and they proceeded to wrestle and love on each other

Hug or choke hold?

Graham actually did have the upper hand a few times although the pictures may be misleading.
And this girl has given me a run for my money the past few days.
We're potty training and using what is supposed to be a 3 day method, but today is day FOUR.

I almost threw in the towel after last nights accident and her crying this morning telling me she didn't like big girl panties and wanted her diaper back. Especially since my diet started today. Potty training and diets don't mix with the stress eater that I am.
Yup....had high hopes for today.
And so far, she's delivering!!!
No accidents and 5 pee pees in the potty!!!

Some more sibling love
And this one was a little blurry, but I love it. These two really are becoming the best of buds.

13 Months

I ponied up and got the next set of stickers.
His baby book has become non-existent, and this blog is pretty much all of the nostalgia that my kids will get more monthly updates.
Graham, you are cruising all over the place, but after teasing us with steps on your first birthday, you haven't walked much since.

You love climbing though and will climb anything you can....

You still point at everything and in an "I can't take it, it's so adorable" development,
when someone points at you, you now point back at them.
You have 6-8 teeth and seem to be sprouting a new one all the time, so much of the time you are like this.
Lately, when there is a show on you usually prefer to lay on the floor and just chill out to watch it. It's pretty darn cute.
As are you.

1 comment:

Ashley McWhorter said...

Don't give up! Keep pressing forward! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!! It does get easier, I promise. least as far as girls are concerned. As for boys...I have NOOOOOO idea. Get back with me in about a year! Ha!