Last weekend I went back to Texas...
wait for it...
It was one of the best weekends of my life. No lie.
Now I love my kids and I may even love my husband more after last weekend since he was the one that made it all possible.
But it was a little piece of heaven to go back to Houston, and spend 72 hours with friends, family, good food, shopping, and no distractions.
I even had 3 hours to myself at Market Street.
I'm anxious to see what this store turns into...

The weather was toasty, but nothing like what I was afraid it might be.
On Sunday I was hanging out with my mom and she commented about what a gorgeous day is was.
I looked down at the car thermometer, and said, "Mom, it's 98 degrees!"
She was like, "I know!"
But really, the weather was beautiful.

After spending some time with my parents on Thursday night at Carrabas, I got to meet my sister in law & niece at Starbucks, and then headed up to the Woodlands and connected with Sheila & Becky.

And I got to love on little Davis too! I hated that it took me 5 weeks to meet this little punkin.
Long distance sucks.

After doing some shower prep on Friday with Sheila, we headed out to Grimaldi's that night.
It was amazing....two of my closest friends in one of my favorite spots ever. Oh, and there was red wine....and no kids.

Saturday, it was all about celebrating Jacqueline and Mark's two little miracles.

Words cannot express how happy I am for them. I have been waiting to help throw this party for a long time.

Because Mark & Jacqueline had kept the gender of their twins to themselves for 8 weeks (rock solid discipline), we used the colors blue, pink, and green to decorate.
Becky made adorable invitations and print outs to go with the theme.

I was almost in tears when this picture was taken.
The football one below me.
A&M played OSU....and lost.
It was a good thing that Andy was in California because the thought of having to lose and look at his grinning, obnoxious, orange clad self would have been too much.

Then it was time for the big reveal!!!
Mark & Jacqueline hadn't even told their families what they are having.
We were all in suspense. I had been trying to (over) analyze everything she's said for the last two months.
I went ahead and chose my pink clothes pin (we had to guess) and waited...

Unfortunately that Houston heat sucked the helium out of their reveal

but it was still awesome...
black balloons? WTH?

Nice try. We know you're not waiting until December.
Tell us already.

Let's hear it for the BOYS!!!!!

and then there were lots of hugs and happy tears!!

Mark & Jacqueline, we are so happy for you!