Addison is learning fast to spread out your birthday as long as possible.
My parents wanted the chance to celebrate in Houston and who am I to stand in the way of allowing my children to taste RJ Goodies cupcakes for umpteenth time?
My sister, Pipere, drove out from Austin to see us and the kids and I was SOO glad she was able to make it. It's almost embarrassing to say how long it's been since we've seen each other.
Let's just say it was Graham's first time to meet his aunt.
She tells me she's not good with kids, but my kids loved her and I thought she was great with them!

Can you tell that my child doesn't like attention?

On Friday, our last full day in Houston, the Easter bunny hid some eggs in Nana & Poppy's backyard.

Graham was starting to get the hang of this whole egg thing which is good for him, because Addison doesn't exactly believe in equal opportunity.

After nap we headed off to the Donat/Lee/Price annual crawfish boil.
We haven't missed one in the 8 years Andy and I have been together.
We took advantage of the pool. I mean I took advantage of handing my kids off to others who wanted to enjoy the pool.

And I think Mr. John's intensity is rubbing off on dad a little bit.

Joking aside, Addison did GREAT swimming the whole week. She loves it.
She can now swim about 10-15 feet by herself and get herself out of the pool.
I eat my words Mr. John. Well done.
I will tell you that each night at prayers, Addison still asks God to help her do a better job of listening to Mr. John. We haven't seen the guy in 3 weeks, but she still talks about him all the time.
We had a great time catching up with friends again.

Addison & Jacqueline

And there was lots of food to eat.

Addison had been asking to eat "mudbugs" all day.

Then she found out what a mudbug was.

and decided that Chick Fil A was a much better option

Which left plenty of crawfish for the adults to enjoy

Making their debut at the boil this year were these guys....

Ashton and Graham kept each other occupied.

Ashton has had such good practice being a big brother, he was always ready to step in and take care of Graham.

And Graham was really pretty happy as long as there was food in his mouth.

I have to say that Houston was an incredible trip!!!

It would have been even more incredible if I could have skipped the 2 flights home.