We love you more than words can say. You are always making your daddy and I laugh, challenging us to be better parents, and giving us tender words when we need them the most. Just today you woke up before Graham, so you and I were tiptoeing downstairs so as not to wake him up. You turned to me and whispered...."Mommy, I'm so glad I have you as a mommy." Words that melted my heart.
You are such a good big sister to Graham, looking out for him and making him laugh constantly. I hope that one day, you'll enjoy looking back on the stories I share through this blog as much as I love writing them. I want you to know what a special, beautiful, smart and funny girl you are! We love you so much.
Today we went to the doctor for your 3 year old check-up. As we went down the list checking off all of the milestones the doctor wanted to make sure you were doing, I asked you to stand on one foot and hop. You lifted your foot and tried so hard, but weren't quite able to put it all together. You finally said, "It's just not working!".....cracking your daddy and I up.
Then you proceeded to hit daddy while we were visiting with the dr. on discipline strategies. Thank you for that. Apparently we will now be reading some books on positive parenting, lovingly suggested by your doctor.
Here are your stats little miss.
Height: 38 1/2 inches. You have always been tall, but now you are back on the charts at 83%.
Weight: 30 (43%) I think Graham is about to catch up to you.
BMI: 14 (8%) you skinny girl! You got this from daddy, obviously.
I cannot believe that my baby girl is three years old!
We started the morning with blueberry muffins.

followed by swim lessons with Mr. John.
you graduated yesterday!

Then we went to Sea World where we waited in line to ride Elmo's Flying Fish and you told us about 3 seconds too late you needed to go potty.
Bye to Sea World.

We went through the Chick Fil A drive through (Heaven)
and daddy dropped you and I off at Sea World to finish riding rides while Graham napped in the car.
After naptime, the real fun began!

Instead of a training wheel bike, we gave you a balance bike.

You are still getting the hang of it, and were getting a little frustrated.

So Graham took a ride.

***Could someone please tell my husband that it's April and might be time to take down the Christmas lights? Apparently, my HINTS to him have not been successful in this area.***
We then went out to eat at Islands for burgers and Sprinkles cupcakes, which we are all now totally smitten with.
We love you so much Addison!!

1 comment:
I can't believe I talked to you yesterday and didn't wish that sweet girl Happy Birthday!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!!!! G;ad her day was fantastic! By the way - let me know how she likes the balance bike!!
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