Our Sunday school class (the one Andy and I have been a part of since before we got married),
had a kids Christmas party.
I love how even after being gone four years, we (and our kids) can fall back in.
Three of us in this family have discovered the joy of Target footie pajamas.
Go get some.
You will not be sorry.
Graham loves talking to Neo, the elf.
I think he he was apologizing for accidentally touching him while he was stealing candy from the artistic "creation" Neo had made.
Addison loved being a part of the church Christmas program and children's choir.
I love how at this age everyone thinks they sound like Idina Menzel.
Typical morning iPad cuddle time.
or Mobigo by the tree, take your pic.
A bunch of first grade girls from Addison's school got together at our church to celebrate together.
Graham got hooked on puzzles again.
and last weekend we did our annual night driving around taking in Christmas lights....except this year we had to find a new area.
So we took them in town to River Oaks and drove around.....and tried to get them to stop running around people's yards (or plantations or whatever they are)...
I'm sure a few home security cameras have footage of us.
Isn't this amazing?????
No excuses Andy....throw some lights up next year.
We went ice skating as a family for the fist time.
Addison outlasted all of us by a long shot.
I thought it would be like riding a bike.....
It's only been twenty years, what's the big deal...
I'm OLD, that's what.
We took the kids up to take a tour of the food pantry and shop for and donate food.
It's so easy to take the little and the big things for granted.
And today my sister, Pipere, and her boyfriend got to come for a visit.
It's been way too long since we've seen them and my kids LOVED getting to hang out with her.
Hopefully we'll be getting to see them more now that we're closer.