I do think Michael W. Smith put it pretty well...
Friends are friends forever ......
especially these friends.

The Cocke's came out to Cali last week and we had
so. much. fun.
Not only was it great to see some of our best friends but it gave us an excuse to act like tourists all week. We definitely stayed busy. Which may be why we have yet to leave the house today.
We started the San Diego tour by showing them one of our favorite spots....Mt. Soledad, looking over La Jolla.
I love this pic! Beckett is just too cool for school.

Graham loved playing with the big kids.

It made my heart happy to see the three of them play together so well all week.

A little forced sibling affection never hurt anyone.

It makes my heart want to break that it will be a long time before all the kiddos are together again.

I decided to leave the big camera at home and used my phone all week to document our fun.
The app I got that a few of you have asked about is Camera+ it's the best $1.99 I've ever spent. Love it.

Can we go eat our Sprinkles cupcakes yet?

Went to the cove to run off some energy and eat Sprinkles.

Nice move mom getting red velvet for the kid who doesn't believe in plates....or napkins....

The next day we headed off to the zoo.
Like how I throw Graham up against the glass to get a cute shot with the monkey?

We grabbed dad from work on the way....

Beach day!

Love the beach....hate the mess.

Park day....along with everyone else in Del Mar

Andy spent half his time watching kids and half the time stalking Carson Palmer, who was playing with his own kids at the same park. I didn't know who Carson Palmer was because I only watch ESPN about 0.001% as much as Andy does.
Graham was Mr. Independent, going up the climbing wall, and sliding down the slide on his stomach about 78 times. I kid you not, it probably was about that many times.

Love my friend!

Love my girl!

Love my new town

Just. love.

Then it was on to Sea World!

Where Graham partook in another Sprinkles cupcake, this time without the icing.
Lesson learned. He's still young enough where we can get away with jipping him.

We played a lot outside...

And then it was time to say goodbye....

Please don't go

Next time we see these guys, Beckett will have a new little brother!